Being a Business owner was never an easy task!
A Business owner mindset is just so different! He has the sales guy’ mindset which means being “the statistics, numbers and figures” type of guy! On the other hand, he should be wearing the marketer hat sometimes which means, that he should turn to be a copywriter geek with a touch of an artistic point view. He simply merges between beautifying words and stating mere facts about his product or service. Creating the true balance between developing a consistent brand image, creating loyal customers and on top of all generating good revenues from his marketing activity. Beginner’s Sale Emails

Email Marketing on top of your list!

Having an online store is a whole different story. Marketing and sales in this case are completely different from having a physical store. In a physical store a discount mean signs in the window indicating there is a special offer in there. In your online stores marketing strategies are a bit different including online ads, social media announcements and email marketing on top of this list. To send an effective sales email, you have to bear in mind some tips and tricks to be applied thoughtfully, to have the greatest returns on your investments.
Five hints about the effective sales emails is exactly what you will be going to learn in the next lines, just keep scrolling down!

1. Practice makes perfect

The golden rule in writing a perfect sales email or any piece in general is one word “Keep practicing”. You should have the persistence to rewrite different copies, change your first draft so many times, till you reach to that one that will make you 100% satisfied, or even close to satisfaction about how well it is written. Don’t stop before you reach this point.

2. Make Every word count!

Try to choose your words wisely, accurately and precisely to be hitting your sales point, starting your subject line.

The subject line should be indicating a sale to be sort of catchy to be opened by your viewers, yet try to keep it neat, cause too much sales wordings in the subject line will endanger you email and it might be considered a spam and end up deleted or sent to the junk folder! In your content, try as much as possible to make each line interesting and of an added value to your audience, incorporate a great offer with your branding techniques so as to make the desired balance of sales and marketing all together. Beginner’s Sale Emails

3. “Quantity or Quality” why not both?

When you write your sales email, be attentive! Try not to make it too short that it doesn’t hit the point of sales, or make it too long that it turns out to be quite boring for the readers. Make your balance, manage the quantity to be perfectly suitable for what you are offering. Put your offers on top of your email to be an eye candy.

4. When to click the send button?

This is a very important question that should be asked! Mainly because timing is a vital factor in reading, skimming or skipping your brand email. Beginner’s Sale Emails

Choose the right date, for example, in holidays people usually make their shopping one week before, so plan a head and design a catchy email to be sent as a reminder few days before their expected shopping timings. Also, according to your list of audience, you should be deciding at which timing exactly the message should be sent. Know the peak hours where the emails are mostly reviewed and consider sending your emails in these golden hours.

5. Whom are your recipients?

Your recipients are mainly the database you have, your target audience, plus the list of your potential customers. First of all, you should have all your lists segmented so specifically. You should have a separate list of your “Top Spenders” or “Loyal Customers”, who are the ones with the highest impact on your sales revenue. You should consider making them a special offer to be sent via email every now and then.

Talking about your audiences of different segments, you should personalize emails with the needs of each group to be announced through the email, the availability of the products they asked for or even on going offers’ reminders.

Widen your pool of audience to reach your potential customers, the ones who pass by your online store without buying can be the ones who make their next purchase decision. They might just be waiting for an encouraging email that will surely trigger their emotions and make you close the deal.

An effective sales email capsule!

To Sum it all up, all you need to know about an effective sales email is continue editing your copy till it reaches the optimum version, choose your words wisely according to each segment, balance the quantity of your copy to deliver the message without being boring to your audience, choose the perfect timing to send it and also be careful when choosing your audience.

Easier said than done? Not Anymore!

All of the above mentioned tips can be easily done with Revamp CRM, without getting yourself to these hassles. Send emails using your email marketing tool, or even better, you can use our pre-built templates of Campaigns and Automations to create your perfect email directly from your CRM. Don’t be a beginner with sales emails anymore , Go ahead Sign up now and enjoy your 30 day free trial.

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