7 Best Color swatches Apps for Shopify
Here is a list of 7 best Shopify Color swatches apps:

Swatches by Webyze
The Swatches App is a very simple yet crucial app for any store that offers products available in different variant colors. So, the app basically replaces the regular drop-down menu of your color variants into elegant swatches. Also, the app has several swatches styles that you can choose from to best fit your store image.
Their app is a must have if you sell apparel, accessories, electronics… Say goodbye to mainstream drop-down menus and start using Swatches now.
The App installs itself right away, you don’t need to edit any of your theme liquid files to use it. Also, it just works. Finally, the app works perfectly with all themes and if you have any sort of issues, they are always available to help and offer a quality and responsive service.
Highlight features
- Display color swatches in your product options
- Choose the swatch theme that fits your store
- Install the app without coding skill required
- Provide a friendly UI
- Try it 7 days for free
Price: $7/month. 7-day free trial.
Rating: 155 – 4.4 / 5

Swatchify by Seller panda
Swatchify helps store owners present their products in all their different color variants to shoppers. By showing them realistic color and texture swatches that display the appropriate product picture when the shopper clicks on them, you can create a user experience that will convert more shoppers to buyers. Also, Swatchify is affordable and only takes a minute to install.
Highlight features
- Automatically set exact products’ color through its picture
- Update with new customisation over month
- No requirement of additional fees for installation support
- Have the swiftest loading speed among many color swatches apps
- Customize flexible swatches on your own
Price: From $4.99/month. 14-day free trial.
Rating: 80 – 4.4 / 5

Collection Swatch Pug by Techiepugs
The CSP app by TechiePugs lets you to add color/pattern for showing variant swatches on your product thumbnails on collection page. As well as, replace the existing drop-down color selector on product page with swatch buttons. Also, you can choose from a variety of swatch themes and adjust their size to match the swatch button designs with your theme design.
Their app does not add any snippet or extra coding to your theme. So, it will not interfere with your theme functionality and uninstalling the app will be hassle free. Since, they do not add any snippet or coding to your theme, setup of the app only requires a custom attribute to be added to your collection page grid item.
Highlight features
- Update setting of color variants to be more fashionable
- Provide 3 or more symbols of swatches
- The new collection page will be checked with no fee
- Provide the support service through email or phone
- No requirement of additional charges
Price: $4.99/month. 14-day free trial.
Rating: 67 – 4.7 / 5

Swatchy Color Swatch by Cupel apps
Swatchy helps store owners presents boring variant option drop downs into a visually appealing image swatches. By showing them realistic variant image swatches that display the appropriate product picture when the shopper clicks on them. Also, you can create a user experience that will convert more shoppers to buyers.
Highlight features
- Allow to set 3 patterns of color swatches
- Just charge users once time during usage
- Easy to install or remove the app
- Customize color on both product and collection pages
- Have the searching tool for color variants flexibly
Price: Free
Rating: 56 – 3.8 / 5

Product Colors by Webyze
The Product Colors App is a Shopify App that lets you add color swatches to your Shopify products. As well as, the app doesn’t use variants to create the colors, instead you have to create your colors in separate products and the app will combine them with the swatches. This way, you can easily set different prices, descriptions, pictures for each color.
It also allows you to break the 100 variants/product limit of Shopify as it lets you create as many swatch colors as you want for each product group.
Highlight features
- Separate products by colors
- Unlimited color swatches
- Make swatches of every color, support image swatches
- Instant install with zero coding
- Combine colors and swatches
Price: $7/month. 7-day free trial.
Rating: 26 – 4.7 / 5

Quick View and Color Swatch by Aaaecommerce inc
This extension gives your shoppers a quick access to product preview in one click without reloading the whole site. Also, The Quick view (Quick Shop) app will not only reduce the shopping time but also bring the convenient experience to shoppers.
Your shoppers can view product details quickly without leaving the catalog navigation. So, this makes browsing products easier and faster, which encourages sales. Even more, Products may be added to their cart from the Product Quick View page.
Highlight features
- Have Quick View feature to show brief description of product
- Allow to customize exact color image of products
- Convenient design for the popup
- Assist all of web viewing software’s
- No requirement of knowing HTML/CSS
Price: $5/month. 5-day free trial.
Rating: 14 – 3.6 / 5

Quick View and Color Swatches by Curiosityinfotech.com
Quickview and Color Swatch enables your users to easily reach your products without having navigate to the product details page. Also, it provides flexibility to your users and save their time.
The App displays all required product details in a popup window in a single click with their “Quick View” button. So, it also enables your user to add the product with required quantity to cart through AJAX. Variants, such as color or sizes of that product are also displayed in the popup window.
This app also provides flexibility. So, you can easily change settings for the Quickview Button from the Shopify Admin itself. And much more.
Highlight features
- Preview your products in instance
- Help clients add more products from quick-view popup
- Give clients a better shopping experience
- 2 in 1 as you need
- Try it for free in 14 days
Price: $5.99/month. 14-day free trial.
Rating: 10 – 4.4 / 5
How Revamp ranks 7 best Shopify Color swatches apps list
These above 7 best Shopify Color swatches apps are ranked based on the following criterias:
- The ratings on Shopify App store
- The app’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The app provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by Revamp
The list of the 7 best Shopify Color swatches apps is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. so, please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this app review.
Don’t see your app on the list? Wanna contribute more content to this review? Contact us
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