Postpone Personal Rewards
- Set your salary as low as possible, coupled with performance bonuses
- Limit employee benefits to those legally or competitively necessary and no more
- Utilize functional, not extravagant, workspaces
- Travel and entertain as if you were personally paying the bills, not the company
Focus on Critical Tasks
- Focus exclusively on the task immediately in front of you
- Do not use your company’s limited cash and resources to pursue attractively but non-critical paths to long-term goals
- get your product or service to the market as soon as possible, while keeping your nonessential costs low
Hire Only Critical Capabilities
- Rely on a few key individuals with critical skills to build the company
- Understand which skills are important in each stage of your company’s growth
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
- Examine your operations to be sure that the activities you perform are essential and are being performed at a lower cost than you might pay elsewhere
- Incorporation papers and legal forms of all types are common across the Internet and third-party manufacturers supply volumes of products ranging from processed food to apparel for a negotiated price
Share the Wealth
- Rewarding performance for goal achievement measured by such outputs as milestones achieved, deadlines met, productivity, cost savings, and other tangible measures encourage positive results
- be sure you understand and define the appropriate goals, recognizing the possibility of unintended consequences when targets are set without careful analysis and controls. Money Saving Tips
Shopify Blog: https://www.shopify.com/blog/8389110-5-money-saving-tips-for-first-time-entrepreneurs
Related Post : https://blog.revampcrm.com/online-shopping-during-holidays-infographic/