This Shopify tutorial focuses on how you can add a customer manually through Shopify admin interface.

Shopify Tutorial, Add a customer

  • Shopify allows its users to manually add information about customers and shoppers in an easy fast way through an intuitive interface.
  • Check Customer accepts marketing if the customer has agreed to receive marketing emails or newsletters
  • Check Customer is tax exempt if the customer should be exempt from all taxes.


Shopify, Managing customers

When a new customer places an order with your Shopify store, their name and information are automatically added to your customer list. You can email customers from the admin using their profile information, and depending on the circumstances, you can also manually add, edit, or delete a customer profile. If you want to send discounts or emails to a specific set of customers, then you can create a customer group.

After you’ve performed a search or applied filters, you can save the result list in your Shopify admin to create a new customer profile group. Your saved searches will show in the Shopify app when you tap the search button.

Groups can be combined with discounts to offer promotions to specific customer profile groups.


  1. Perform a search, or filter your customer list.

  2. Click Save search after you’ve applied one or more filters or performed a customer profile search.

  3. In the Save search dialog, enter a name for the search result. You can save a search as a new group, or overwrite an existing group.

  4. Click Save to save the search and create the customer group:


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