

Unique and quality content is what differentiate you from your competitors. A great article, tip or any other type of content that you post today will live forever on the web, and forever is a long time! Increase eCommerce Sales

Great content will keep you present on social media channels, it automatically generates revenue by attracting new customers and reminding inactive customers of your brand. And spending the time to create a great piece of content to differentiate you from the competition is worth every second and every penny. And here’s why:

Great Content Builds Trust

It was once location, location, location. It’s now trust, trust, trust. People love brands they trust. Great writing in an online store allows a customer to know your values. If you can write articles that are helpful, entertaining, or emotionally compelling to your customers you will gain trust 

Great Content Invites Readers into the Tribe

Consider Jeffrey Zeldman’s A List Apart. Over the years they’ve published hundreds of helpful articles and in the process created a tribe of people who identify with their brand

Great Content Gets Shared

When you write content for your readers you end up using words that they’d be searching for if they’re looking for your product. If it’s really good content people are linking to it, sharing it, and reading it—Google pays attention, and they send folks who search for terms similar to what’s in your content to your site

Great Content Gets Found

If you write something great that would appeal to your customers they’re going to share it with their friends. For a hundred years Macy’s has put up elaborate Christmas displays in the windows after Thanksgiving. They do this to get people near their cash registers and to get people to talk about them. Increase eCommerce Sales

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