Social media is huge when it comes to increasing your customer conversion rate. And while our world now have so many popular social media platforms, you need to choose the just right platform for your business, plan your digital marketing efforts accordingly and create consistent content to attract the right segment of customers. Statistics Pinterest
For both online and offline retailers, Pinterest is the just right social media they need to focus their marketing efforts and resources on. And why you may ask? the reasons are in the upcoming 6 shocking statistics you probably didn’t know about the power of Pinterest marketing.

The Power of Pinterest Marketing: 6 Shocking Statistics
Pinterest is Huge
Pinterest currently boasts over 100 million active users, making it a crowded pool of potential customers for pretty much any brand.
Pinterest Refers (A Lot) of Traffic
Pinterest refers 5% of the world’s referral traffic, which is a statistic that only Facebook can beat.
Pinners Buy Stuff
87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. They also discovered that 93% of Pinners have used Pinterest to plan future purchases.
Pinners Buy Expensive Stuff
According to Shopify research, the average order value from Pinterest referral traffic is $58.95, which beats Facebook’s average of $55.
Pinners Like Marketing
83% of Pinners said they would prefer to follow their favourite brand over their favourite celebrity.
Pinners Use Pinterest In-Store
67% of Pinners consult Pins on their mobile devices while shopping in stores
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